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Exhailing in my hometown. Rejuveniting. Feeling alive again.

· Intentional Leader,Intentional Living,Mindset,Interview,Legacy

As I sit here by the window of my childhood home, watching the rising sun
illuminate a 1000-year castle on a hill above my hometown, I can't help
but feel immense gratitude.

My daughters and I arrived here recently after an unbelievable ordeal of canceled flights, airport hotel stays, lost luggage, and missing vacation reservations - and lots of
deep breaths (of course I blogged about it).

But hugging my parents and my Babi after 3 years of not seeing them was all
that mattered; and an evening swim in the healing Adriatic Sea right afterwards, made it all better.

This morning, I finally feel at peace, I can feel my nervous system calming down and recalibrating. In a sense it's a lot like this little medieval town waking up into a brand new day after a wicked storm hit us last night.

You're not alone if it feels like anywhere you turn, there's a storm. Fires.
Drought. Wars. Not just guns-and-ships kinda battles. We're witnessing and enduring wars on minorities. Wars on reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. Wars on basic human rights.

Not to mention that on working parents, moms in particular who have left workplace in droves during the pandemic and are still in massive disadvantage trying to juggle
childcare, careers, home, wellbeing. Paired with unpredictable economy, to say at least... Yes, I am looking at you, 21st century USA.

It's a lot. It's overwhelming.

I got to interview several experts on these topics for my Make Your Life
Your Legacy Podcast. Welcome to tune in some of these empowering and
uplifting conversations:

Blessing Adesiyan, the Founder of Mother Honestly

Gloria Feldt, speaker and author, and former president of Planned Parenthood

Harmony Sedona, healer, writer working with thought leaders and content creators

Robyn Hatcher, speaker and DEI and communications expert

Emma G, song-writer, singer, TEDx speaker


Being an empath, mystic, seer, the past few years have taken a toll on me much greater than I initially dared to admit.

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For quite some time, storms were raging within me, bringing to surface so many emotions I thought I had masterfully boxed away. Washing away all the stories to make room for my innate knowing to emerge. And I tried to push it all aside in one final attempt to perhaps just settle down already (I know, so not in my character but honestly, why can't I just be content with the life I had built? Isn't it all I had ever wanted?) Well, my my own physical body demanded I pay attention to my heart.

At least that's how I choose to interpret not one but two newly-diagnosed autoimmune disorders. It was time to get sober with myself. With my choices, my truths.

It was time to remember who I am and why I am here. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. Again.

Oh believe me, there I days when I wonder why I couldn't just drop into some simple lifeline of an established routine, doing this one kind of work until I retire...

You know the feeling? Why all these lessons, why all this fuss? When it seems I finally get a grip on things, something shifts and uplevels, and the whole process of breakdowns, transformation & breakthroughs starts again. LOL

After releasing 35 lbs, I decided to make some life-altering decisions; I will share more about this at another time. What I can tell you is that during the period of contemplation and weighing options, and envisioning... the mind will happily blow things way out of proportion in order to keep us in the zone of the known. Zone of comfort.

But the moment we make the decision, the moment we make the first next step, it's like a fog lifts up.

Now, I will add that making this first step is easy - the hard part is seeing the plan through on a daily basis, moving through the minutiae of every passing day and simultaneously holding the big vision, stepping on the Destiny path and dealing with all the gold-plated bedazzled hooks of what once was, of what-ifs, and maybe-if-only's...

If this is where you're at, may I just offer one more insight? Tune into your body. What's your truth, will feel light. Fuzzy. Warm. Expansive. Liberating. You'll know it.

Anyhow. On the wings of it all, I am also - finally - seeing through another one of my long-time desires. See, for years I've been yearning to take summer off to slow down, to unplug, to just enjoy the time with my kiddos, my family. But FOMO, guilt, and this nagging feeling of being undeserving of it had always prevailed.

Not this time.

This is the summer I am taking time off. To reconnect and recalibrate. To integrate. To slow down in order to then speed up again. It's decadent. It's luxurious. And I am unapologetic about it!

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With that, I shall close this letter to you because my kiddos are waking up and we'll head to a local farmer's market, and then we might go to one of our local coffee shops for some hot chocolates, iced coffee (here, we make it creamy, served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream!), and croissants. From there, we'll figure out the rest of the day.

Maybe we'll visit a museum? Or ride bikes on endless winding paths through fields and woods? Maybe take a refreshing dip in a river? Indeed, we're here to experience all the amazingness this magical place has to offer - and perhaps one day, you get to join?

Yes, Skofja Loka is one of the locations where our private destination, transformational immersions and retreats take place!

Sending you much love!