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When you feel unrelatable, consider this [mindset, energy, and strategic insight]

· Mindset,Intentional Living,coaching

"I am 67. I've been searching for this key for almost 35 years. And
here it is. Your coaching revealed the connection between feeling
unrelatable and mysticism!" she shared through tears one Sunday
afternoon when we spoke.

These now were tears of relief! But just minutes earlier, they were tears of anguish...

See, when we first met years ago, she was a diamond in the rough, to
put it lightly. There was something so remarkable hiding beneath the
layers of toughness, strategic excellence, and witty "wordsmithing" of
this highly-accomplished maverick...

This "something" was reflected in professional photographs she'd
taken; it was poured into standing-ovation talks she helped to craft; it
emerged through her healing powers (that I personally got to benefit
from, but she would have a visceral reaction to the word "healer").

This "something" ultimately overpowered her deeply-rooted fear and
generational traumas, and she finally made the leap of faith... With
every fiber of courage she could muster, she moved cross-country to her
dream oceanside place. I was right there by her side as she navigated
the ups and downs of this unconventional adventure…only to end up in
complete and utter isolation in a new and unknown place when the world
pressed pause in 2020.

The experience was nothing short from hell for her… But she kept persisting. 

She kept showing up, she doing the work. She remained still when the
unknown emerged; she welcomed anger when it came up; she allowed for
the unnecessary to dissolve; she celebrated each breakthrough. Month
after month, year after year.

We kept peeling back layers, and with each one, she felt more like
herself… Realizing in amazement how the same magic of wonder, divine
gifts, and sense of humor that started to emerge were the very reasons
for indescribable pain and brutal punishments she had endured as a

No wonder she rather conformed and fit in, it was safer.

Finally, she was ready to re-emerge in all the glory of a writer's whisperer, healer, artist, speaker, seer of possibilities...

And then, she did the most terrifying thing: she went out there, to
public events to meet new people. Over and over again, she mustered up
the courage and surrendered into faith.

Until now.

The day we spoke, she broke down in such pain that I could feel it
through the phone from thousands of miles away. Feeling rejected.
Dismissed. Misunderstood. As lonely as ever. No matter how hard she

Decades and decades of similar memories overwhelmed her nervous system... 

I held her. I held space. And then, I offered to read to hear an excerpt of something I had just published a few hours prior:  

"...unconventional powerhouses, mystics, multi dimensional beings. We take a stand for the depth of our souls, the vastness of our
insights, ancestral wisdom and experiences and the height of our
perspective. That's where we refuse to settle for the lowest common
denominator, but instead expect from those who surround us to rise to
the highest one. We see them and we hold them in excellence commitment
and bravery because we give nothing less. It's intimidating, but it's
what makes us unrelatable. And when we own it, it makes us unstoppable.


It was as if a light switch was turned on…  

…followed by silence, deep exhale… And relief, and laughter. And a paradigm shift so massive I could feel it through the phone thousands of miles away.  

Finally, we came to the point where there was just one more question remaining to help solve this jigsaw puzzle…

“OK, so when I go back to my services and marketing material, how do
I go about it? I mean, how do I position, communicate, package…” she
wanted to know.

“Oh, that’s easy! Do you have pen and paper? I am going to offer you
a very practical answer, first through the eye of a client, and then
through the marketer’s perspective…”

We both laughed, because of course it was easy. It was as simple as
walking into a gallery and then choosing which wing with its displayed
exhibition is the one that interests you the most...

Ironically, it was also exactly what she’s been trying to do for a
decade, but it didn’t make sense to her until now… Now even when her
methods and approaches have consistently produced the most outstanding
results for the clients who never stopped coming back, and whose whole
lives continued to be changed… Because she kept believing in them, and
they kept believing in her - even when she did not how to believe in

Now, she does, “Holy f**k, I am finally understanding vibrationally what that means! 

How would your life, your relationships, your work be changed if you reignited that spark again?

That magic of your incredible visioning gifts you tried to suppress?

The unconventionality of your spirit that you had to tame for so long?

Who would you be?

 What if that which you've been seeking, is this sense of wonder you once had?

Truth is, my friend here is far from alone. In fact, I would dare to
say that every single one of the clients I've had the honor and
privilege of working with since 2011 (in various capacities), has felt
unrelatable to a degree. Each one of them was holding onto this
"something" that would not let them stop and quit, no matter how hard,
unpredictable, unconventional, and uncomfortable life and work and
relationships had become.

I've seen in in elite athletes I played with and competed against.
I've seen it in business leaders I both worked for and consulted. I've
seen it in MommaBears and remarkable homemakers I've coached. I've seen
it in my own eyes, I've felt it in my own heart.

Moreover, this depth of the wounds and vastness of our love that
drive us, is one of the most fascinating dichotomies I've observed and

So allow me to ask you this:

What if in spite of all of your remarkable success, you are still
squeezing yourself into boxes of your mom's hopes? Your spouse's dreams?
And strangers' expectations? In exchange for the illusion of security
and comfort, this sense of fitting in, the access to power &
influence? Even though you don't quite belong?

Yup! The more successful and gifted you are, the less people can
relate to you; few have the capacity to hold your aura and expand your
already-grand vision; even fewer are willing to tell you what you need
to hear - and show you the way that works... for you....

(Now, if you're looking for the ra-ra glitter and pompoms
"yes-ma'am" cheer-team, you won't find that here. My style & energy
are that of a Bubby, holding you and your potential in higher energy,
and seeing you in your wholeness. I always tell my clients the truth,
and will do it for you. Listening to what you're not saying, and telling
it like it is in the most loving way. I will also challenge and push
you. And teach you everything you need to know so that you can expand
your capacity, uplevel you to your next level, and create tangible &
duplicatable results.)

See, you get to choose who you are becoming. You get to decide when
it's time to complete and release old identities. To surrender what no
longer belongs. Indeed, it takes time...or not! That's up to you. It
starts with your willingness...



P.S.: If you know this is where you're meant to be next, I have several spaces open to work privately - from a single Confidence & Clarity Call, to 30-day BlockBuster Quickstart intensive, and Unrelatable to Unstoppable micro-mastermind hybrid.  

If you crave a more sophisticated private work, explore 3-Day Visioning, Planning & Re-calibration Immersion (booking the last one in New York, and only available this October) or year-long Your Extraordinary Expansion. Come, emerge into the world in ways that reflect the fire of your
heart, knowing of your soul, and the magic of your vision. It will be my
honor to have you.